progessive oder normale form?
  1. I always think of Grandpa when I see someone smoking a pipe.

Wird hier bei think das present simple benutzt, weil es die Aktion ist, die gerade passiert, während die andere "smoking" schon im Gange ist?

2. Best of luck in your exam. We will be thinking of you tomorrow – send us a text when you finish.

Ist damit gemeint, dass, wenn er es schreibt, sie an ihn denken werden, also genau in diesem Moment

3. Brian: “Nothing yet. They’ve been thinking about it for a week and still no answer.”

nicht present perfekt, weil hier betont wird, dass es die ganze woche schon so läuft

4.Alice: "What do you mean he can't drive us?! How are we going to get out the party then?!"

Mary: “Don’t worry, I will think of some other way, I promise”.

Warum wird hier nicht die continuous Form bei think benutzt?

6. Everyone thinks Robert is very macho, but actually he is quite sensitive – he even writes poetry.

Hier simple Form, weil der Fakt betont wird oder weil es einfach ein state ist, jeder denkt das?

7. Ben: “What are you thinking about? You’re smiling.”

Gleiche Zeit beides, deswegen progressive?

8. Kevin jumped on a man’s back because he thought it was his dad, but it wasn’t. hier ist eine handlung und keine zeit, darum past

9. “Have you thought about what you’d like to do when you finish school?” Keine Spanne, darum kein progessive

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Würde der Text so in der 8.Schulstufe okay sein?

Hallo! Ich muss in der Schule ein Book Review zu einem Buch in Englisch machen. Könnte da vielleicht jemand drüber lesen und mir sagen, ob das so gehen würde? Danke ! :)

Book Review: „The curious incident of the dog in the night-time“

Are you looking for an unique and insightful read? Look no further than „The curious incident of the dog in the night-time“! The novel was written by Mark Haddon and traded by 15 year old Christopher Boone, who has Asperger syndrome and lives in Swindon, in England with his father. The book was first published in 2003. As a teenager myself, I found this book an special and interesting read and you can notice how a boy with Asperger syndrome sees the world.

The story begins with Christopher Francis Boone finding a dead dog in front of his neighbours‘, Mrs. Shears', house with a garden fork sticking through it. He is interested in detective work and logic, so he investigates the case of the dead dog Wellington to find out who killed him. His father is not enthusiastic about this, as he was afraid for Christopher. During this process, he finds out more about himself and his family. He also finds letters from his mother that are written to him. However, his father hid them. Christopher sets off to visit his mother in London because he doesn’t trust his father anymore. At first he thought she died, but he discovered that his father had just made this up so as not to confuse him. On his journey he has to overcome some difficulties, but finally managed it. He confronts his mother why she left him and his father. After his visit he comes home and his father tells him something extremely unexpected…. Christopher decides to document his adventure in a book called "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" and achieved an A-grade on his book at the end of the novel. 

The book is written in a very simple and easy to understand way and is especially suitable for teenagers. You notice how it is to master a "normal" everyday life with Asperger syndrome. These are things I really liked about the novel. Furthermore, you can determine that Christopher is very interested in mathematics and physics and there are also some math tasks illustrated in the book. He knows every prime number up to 7507 and all the countries and their capital cities in the whole world. In addition, Christopher struggles with social interactions and his own mind. He also doesn’t like when something dances out of line.

One thing I disliked about the book was that it was a bit slow-paced at times. However, this is just my personal criticism and how I felt it while I was reading the book.

Overall, I would highly recommend to read  „The curious incident of the dog in the night-time“, because if you ask me it is a very thrilling and insightful novel that explores themes like love, family, mental health and acceptance. To my mind, these are one of the most important things. 





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Buch Review Englisch?


ich habe ein Review zu dem Buch ‚Among the Hidden‘ geschrieben (Schule). Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mir Feedback dazu geben könntet und mich auf Fehler jeglicher Art hinweisen könntet.

Imagine you were born in a society where your existance is a crime forcing you to hide your whole life. This is exactly what Luke Garner, one of the protagonists from the dystopian novel „Among the Hidden“ by Margaret Peterson Haddix is experiencing. Haddix is a popular author living in the United States and also known for books like „Running out of Time“ or „Greystone secretes“. In the novel, due to food shortages in the past, the government implemented a law limiting families to only two children. The story follows the life of Luke, a third child who must hide from the government to avoid being killed. In a thrilling way, the reader comes the characters closer and closer along the story. Considering the fact that the Chinese government had implemented a similar law with its „one-child policy“ which ended in 2016, the breathtaking story feels even more fascinating. Combined with an excellent choice of characters with very unique personalities it was a pleasure reading „Among the Hidden“.

The novel begins by introducing the protagonist, Luke Garner. Luke is forced to remain hidden in his family's attic, as he is not allowed to attend school or leave the house. One day, Luke meets Jen, another third child, and they become friends. He learns about the different ways that third children are punished and the risks involved in fighting for their rights. The book reaches its climax when Luke learns about Jen’s brutal death after she protested in public for the rights of third children. At the end of the book Luke gets the chance to receive a new identity enabling him to find ways to change society and create a place for Shadow Children just as Jen wanted. 

One of the strengths of the book is its exploration of government regulations and their impact on society. This raises important questions about government control and the value of individuality. The author does an excellent job of showing the consequences of such regulations and the impact they have on people's lives. Another strength of the book is its portrayal of family relationships. Luke's relationship with his family is central to the story, and the book explores the importance of family in a society that seeks to control and limit it. Haddix shows how Luke's family is willing to risk everything to protect and support him, despite the dangers they face. 

The conveyed feeling the story is not far in the future and many plots and twists make it even more interesting and give the reader new appreciation for his own world after ‚visiting‘ Luke‘s.

Overall, the book is a great choice for those who enjoy dystopian fiction and are interested in a sustainable world.

The book is definitely worth reading and I recommend it for all ages.


This question was asked for T.H.

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Hi, ich habe einen text in englisch geschrieben ohne Hilfe. Ich wollte von euch aus wissen ob ihr es versteht?

I work for ....... in ........, there works are 500 people in the manufactury company. The company produce plastics and production the bearing.

Max ..... is the founder company in since ...... in germany /willich, that is why “.......” in the company name. The headquarters is in France. We are producing bearings and tolerance rings for different application. The consumer can`t see the products, although we are use it every day. They are used facilitate various rotational, linear and high fregrency-oscillatory for different types of movement.

Sample: the cars no matter what movement, the window, the door, tires, wheel and the seat that is was are used and adjusted.

In the company starting from the production of block made PTFE to shipping. I work for the department that’s mechanical zinc, by internal finishing. The department is galvanic chemistry.

The prepared bearings, that come to us in internal finishing. Firstly, the products are get washed because the oil off them bearings. Secondly 10.000 parts come in to the OTEC-System, in the OTEC galvanized with 15 liters of porcelain polishing bodies (that is the white pens), water and chemical receipt (activator, promotor and zinc).

Finally, the corrosion production, to protect the metal which often comes into contact with water from rust.

P.S. ich dürfte nicht viel preis geben von der Firma aus.

wie würdet ihr das bewerten?

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