Ist dieser Comment gut (sollte die Monarchie in der UK abgeschafft werden)?

The monarchy system is a hot topic in the UK, is it useful for the country or is it just for the show. Opinions often differ here, because there are many arguments pro and against this system. But what is the right answer.

On the one hand the Royal Family which is given by this system personifies the state and British nation, which represent it more human. Due to this more human presentive the people will be more connected to the government because many of the civilians got a member of the Royal Family as an idol which is also fine in view of the fact they exemplify British values like good manners, good style and honesty. Furthermore, by keeping this system, we also keep a part of history alive owing to the fact that the monarchy is no longer a widely used system.

On the other hand, there are many arguments against a monarchy system: It’s a life long burden for anyone who gets born into this, which is also against the spirit of democracy because their role is not earned but inherited. Additionally, they don’t have any power and are mainly there for the public eye, but this gets worse by the fact that if a member of the Royal Family does something wrong, the whole state will be ashamed and it will damage the national image of Britain. On top of that, you know the big palaces, the expensive cars and their wealth? This comes partly from slavery, oppression and discrimination.

All in all, you can say that the monarchy system has many reasons to be abolished but also many benefits. From my perspective it should be abolished, because it’s simply a show and doesn’t do anything for the country in a financial or lucrative way, furthermore we know that other countries like Germany has also a working system which doesn’t waste money for an unqualified family.

(Bitte schreibt mir Verbesserungsvorschläge)

Englisch, Schule, Nachhilfe, Politik, Englischunterricht, europäische Geschichte, Monarchie, britische geschichte
describe a cartoon?

Hey Leute, meine Aufgabestellung lautet: describe the picture and discuss the truth about this stereotype in a text of min. 100 words on your own.

Habe ich es richtig beschrieben? Habt ihr Änderungs-Verbesserungvorschläge?

On this cartoon we can see two situations: on the first one we see a man drowning and another man walking his dog on the path walk. The drowning man is asking for help but the man with the dog doesn't even bother to look at him. On the second one we have the same situation, but, this time, the man with the dog actually helps the other man. The difference is that this time, the drowning man is polite when he asks for help and that made all the difference. Instead of just shouting for help, he said: "Excuse me, Sir. I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but I wonder if you would mind helping me a moment, as long as it's no trouble, of course.". This cartoon portrays the British's politenes. Of course that in real life no one would be so polite when drowning; we would just shout "help" like the man in the first situation. But, we have to face it: British are more polite than everybody else. I'm not saying that the ones who aren't British are inferior or less educated, but it's true that they often forget words like "please" and "thank you". On this cartoon being polite makes the difference between life and death. It may be a little extreme, but who knows if it may or may not come true. So, if you happen to have a son, a daughter, a student who misbehaves and has lack of politeness, or if you just want them to be even more polite or educated than what you taught them to br, send them to England. Undoubtedly, they would thank you. At least, I know I would.

Bild zum Beitrag
Englisch lernen, Englisch, Schule, Cartoon, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, English-Grammar, Bildbeschreibung, Diskussionsrunde
Kann jemand mein Charakterisierung in Englisch korrigieren?

ich brauche hilfe da ich nicht so gut in englisch bin.

In the Novel “Speak”, written by Laurie Halse Anderson in 1999, is the character “Mr. Freeman” an art teacher at Merryweather High, who already gets introduced at one of the first chapters. He is the art teacher from the main character Melinda.

Mr. Freeman is a teacher, described as ugly. Furthermore he has a “Big old grasshopper body, like a stilt-walking circus guy and an nose like a credit card …” like Melinda describes at p.14, l.9 f., . He appears very scary to other people, but he has a nice smile on his face (p. 14, l.11 & p. 14, l.21 ff.).

Another important fact is his language, he speaks really heartfelt (p.14 l.12 ff.), which makes him so interesting , so the students listen to him.

During the novel Mr. Freeman is an supporter of Melinda and they talk about Melindas problems sometimes. He sees the feelings or the art in Melindas work (p.66-67). Besides Mr. Freeman is very creative and he wants others to be creative too (p. 15 – 16). Moreover he wants to motivate the students to make something special. On p.14 l. 11 you can see that Mr. Freeman “smiles”. Their, you can conclude that he is a very friendly person

Mr. Freeman is a different person. He is not like normal teachers and he has his own vision of school, lessons and priorities (p. 14 – 15). His ideas are very scary but he has a plan for the rest of the year in school (p. 15, ll.20 ff. & p.16, ll.1 ff.) .

He has a good friendship to his students, which you can see that he is hugging students as a teacher(p.196 l.10 ff.). The last day of school Melinda stays after so she could finally put the finishing touches on her tree and she starts crying in the class with Mr.Freeman and he says "You've been through a lot haven't you?"(p.197 l.24 f.), that shows that he actually cares about Melinda and what she has been through. In other words he has a good connection to Melinda.

In conclusion Mr. Freeman is the art teacher of Melinda, who has a good connection to Melinda, he is a friendly teacher, who goes motivated on

Englisch, Schule, Charakterisierung, Englischunterricht, Korrektur, Lehrer, characterization, englischlehrer
The sheep in wolfs clothing?

Worum geht es hier ?

Not very long ago there were two sheep who put on wolf's clothing and went among the wolves as spies, to see what was going on. They arrived on a fete day, when all the wolves were singing in the taverns or dancing in the street. The first sheep said to his companion, 'Wolves are just like us, for they gambol and frisk. Every day is fete day in Wolfland.' He made some notes on a piece of paper (which a spy should never do) and he headed them 'My twenty-four Hours in Wolfland', for he had decided not to be a spy any longer but to write a book on Wolfland and also some articles for the Sheep's Home Companion. The other sheep guessed what he was planning to do, so he slipped away and began to write a book called My Ten Hours in Wolfland. The first sheep suspected what was up when he found his friend had gone, so he wired a book to his publisher called My Five Hours in Wolfland, and it was announced for publication first. The other sheep immediately sold his manuscript to a newspaper syndicate for serialization.

Both sheep gave the same message to their fellows: wolves were just like sheep, for they gambolled and frisked, and every day was fete day in Wolfland. The citizens of Sheepland were convinced by all this, so they drew in their sentinels and they let down their barriers. When the wolves descended on them one night, howling and slavering, the sheep were as easy to kill as flies on a windowpane. 

Moral: Don't get it right, just get it written.

Englisch, Schule, Text, Englischunterricht, fabel
Zusammenfassung? - Englisch Klasse 9?
Hey Leute,

Ich muss eine Zusammenfassung für Englisch über diesen Text schreiben aber ich kann sowas echt gar nicht. Es wäre echt nett von euch wenn irgendjemand von euch mir helfen könnte und mir eine Beispielzusammenfassung schreiben könnte. 😅😂

The Guardian is reporting on an innovative study – the Disconnect project – that has challenged young people at a London secondary academy to go cold turkey on using digital devices for a week…
Was it hard? Yes. But impossible? No. Most who took up the challenge found it less difficult than they expected, suggesting the relationship they have with their devices is less addictive than compulsive.
More importantly, all of them said they got something out of it. “I watched TV with my friends,” says one. “I read a book. I can’t remember the last time I did that,” adds another. “I got my homework in on time and hung out much more with my family.” They also reported going to bed earlier – a related and growing area of concern.
Head of year 10 at CCA, Jason Badu, watched the students throughout the week with interest. “They seemed a little freer. It gave them a sense of getting to know their strengths and limitations. When you have your phones it’s easy to forget this. When it was taken away they had to be like modern-day explorers.”
…Since this pilot, the Disconnect project has evolved so that students will be offered online alternatives – books, sports, culture – as incentives to sign up. This way the project hopes to send out a positive message – it’s less about disconnecting and more about re-connecting with other activities. Balance is the key…

More at: Teens and tech: what happens when students give up smartphones?


See also: School tries to ban pupils from taking mobile phones on visit to war memorial

Englisch, Schule, Englischunterricht, Gymnasium, summary, Summary Writing
English argumentative wirting

Ich gehe zurzeit in die 9. Klasse eines Gymnasiums und ich habe eine 5 in Englisch. Daher würde ich mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mir bitte folgenden Text korrigieren würdet. Könntet ihr mir bitte folgenden Text korrigieren:

Today nearly every kid under 13 years has an own smartphone. But is that good for the kids? Some people say smartphones are good for kids and their developing. There are some people saying the kids should learn the technic of smartphones in young age for example to learn for their future job or for school. The childrens could learn in this age how impotant and useful the internet is for example they could learn for school by games and websites like Other people think the childrens in this age could learn for school in smartphones for example with apps. However tere are other people, thinking the comletly opposite. This people have the suspicion that the children could visit websites where they are still under age for example a child could go to a website for pornographic or violency things. The kids should not become an own smartphone because kids in this age should play outside with real friends and not with virtual friends in games for example a kid which is going outside to play is more social than a kid which is sitting all the day at home. When parents pay so much money for a smartphone the kid could lose it for example in sandpit. After looking at both sides I think there are mor disadvantages than advantages for having a smartphone under 13 years. That`s why children in this age should not have an own smartphone. In my opinion parents who buy a smartphone for a child are stupid and irresponsible because they damage the life of their own child.

Englisch, Schule, Englischunterricht, Erörterung, schlechte noten
Mein Englisch hat sich durch den Englischunterricht verschlechtert!

Hey Leute :( Ich gehe in die 9te klasse eines gymnasiums und bin im Moment richtig enttäuscht, weil ich vorhin in englisch einen text vorlesen musste und nur so voll rumgestammelt habe. Undzwar habe ich folgendes Problem: Also, in der 5-8 Klasse war ich immer richtig gut in englisch, hatte immer einen durchschnitt von 1 oder 2. war sogar richtig lange die beste in englisch. Dadurch habe ich gerne und viel englisch gesprochen, war auf jeder englandfahrt und hatte eine gute, flüssige aussprache. Naja, letztes jahr habe ich die 8te Klasse wiederholt und hatte eine total schreckliche Lehrerin. Urplötzlich bin ich von 1 auf ne 4 gefallen und ich habe diese Lehrerin gehasst, da sie einfach total blöden Unterricht machte, und man bei ihr nichts lernte. Ich weiss nicht genau woran es lag, jedenfalls war ich im Unterricht halt immer richtig still, hab mich nichts getraut zu sagen undso. Lag vielleicht auch daran dass ich in einer neuen Klasse war. Naja, dadurch habe ich halt nichtmehr so gerne und oft englisch gesprochen wie davor. An mir kann es ja eigentlich auch nicht wirklich gelegen haben, da das wissen ja eigentlich bereits vorhanden war, sonst hätte ich davor ja keine 1 gehabt, oder? Jedenfalls bin ich jetzt richtig schlecht in englisch. ich habe zum glück jetzt eine andere lehrerin, aber ich trau mich nicht im unterricht was zu sagen, weil meine aussprache so schlecht ist und ich dann immer ausgelacht werde.

Englisch, Schule, Angst, Aussprache, Englischunterricht, Lehrer, schlechte noten

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