Interpretation zum Song MrKitty Glycerin?

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"Glycerin" by Mr.Kitty appears to convey a sense of vulnerability and longing for acceptance. The lyrics evoke an atmosphere of confinement and melancholy.
In the opening verse, the singer references being within "glycerin," which could symbolize a state of emotional preservation or being preserved by someone/something else. This could suggest being emotionally distant or guarded, possibly due to past hurts. The line "Has the liquid seeped inside of you" implies that the singer wants to reach out to someone but questions if their feelings will be reciprocated.
The lyrics also touch upon feeling like a specimen or object, possibly hinting at being objectified or feeling isolated from others. The line "I will never see your heart again" suggests a longing for emotional connection that has been lost or abandoned.
The chorus, "Stain their eyes, let them know that you're alright, let it show," could signify a desire for recognition and acceptance. It's as if the singer wants others to see beyond the surface and understand that they are doing okay, despite the emotional barriers they may have.
The second verse introduces a shift, wherein the singer wakes within the glycerin, implying a reversal or role-reversal with the other person. The line "I no longer have inside of me a display for all eternity" could portray a sense of being freed from the pressure of performing for others' expectations. There's a hint of finding solace in darkness and being alone, possibly suggesting a rejection of societal norms or a search for personal identity and self-expression.
Overall, "Glycerin" seems to explore themes of emotional confinement, longing for connection, vulnerability, and embracing one's true self. It delves into the struggle to break free from emotional preservation and seek genuine human connection, while also recognizing the need for personal space and self-discovery.
