Written discussion

3 Antworten

da sind ein paar fehler aber sonst gut Bei .... A good example is my friends brother,he hasn't got any social contacts and he is writing all the time short messages or ** calls his friends**

.... you can call the emergency. The ** most important fact is** that you're always connected with your friends and your family After analyzing both opinions I would say.....

Mobile phones have become an important part of our lives. More than 90 % of German teenagers have a mobile phone. But is a mobile phone really important? Here are advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones.
My first argument about  mobile phones are  that the most teenagers use a mobile phone in the lesson. They play games and send e-mails or short messages to someone. So they are distracted from the lesson and get bad grads.
The next point is, that some people can’t stop using mobile phones. They get addicted.They lose their social contacts and spend all their time on the  mobile phone.A good example is my friends brother, he dont have  social contacts he is all the time with written messages or call with friends.
The last point is that mobile phones are unhealthy. I have heard many  reports that mobile phones can be cause of cancer.
Firstly you are very flexible. You can use it everywhere all the time.For example you are waiting for the next train and you are bored, you can use your mobile phone. You can listen to music,play games or go online when you have Internet flat. More Important is that the mobile phone is helpful in case of emergency.If something happen on the way to school or somewhere else you can call to the emergency.
The most important is that you are always be in contact with your friends and your family. So your parents mustn’t care where you are. With one call they can know it.
After looking at both sides I’m in the opinion that mobile phones are important for the most people.

Ich weiß jetzt nicht ob alles Richtig ist aber ich würde es so machen wenn was fehlt sorry

My first argument against mobile phones is that most teenagers use a mobile phone during lessons. They play games and send emails or short messages to someone. So they are distracted from the lesson and get bad marks. The next point is, that some people can’t stop using mobile phones. They get addicted.They lose their social contacts and spend all their time on their mobile phones.A good example is my friend’s brother, he hasn’t got any social contacts and writes short messages or calls his friends all the time. The last point is that mobile phones are unhealthy. I have heard in many television reports that mobile phones can cause cancer / can be the reason for cancer. On the other hand there are arguments for using mobile phones, too. Firstly, you are very flexible. You can use them everywhere at any time. For example, if you are waiting for the next train and bored I’m of the opinion that mobile phones are important for most people.

Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

:-) AstridDerPu

 19.05.2011, 20:59

Danke ;)