Was ist die Bedeutung/Interpretation des Songs "Shout" von Tears for Fears?

3 Antworten

“Shout” is a protest song in some ways, a rebellion against the established norms of the times, a call to be different, not to bottle things up.

aus: https://www.furiomagazine.com/how-tears-for-fears-let-it-all-out-the-story-behind-shout/


"Tears for Fears were followers of American psychologist Arthur Janov's school of Primal Therapy. This song was inspired by his primal therapy treatment, which worked by getting people to confront their fears by shouting and screaming. The name of the group came from Janov's book Prisoners Of Pain."


Shout ist ein Protestsong gegen das Establishment und alles was Tears for Fears als falsch ansahen.

Shout shout, let it all Out..

Lass es raus,wehre dich, und habe keine Angst...

Ein Super Song

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