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3 Antworten

Last summer I had the lousiest holiday ever. The hotel was a dump, the food wasn't edible, the loos were stinking and the holiday resort was the worst shitehole ever. Plus the whole holiday cost me an arm and a leg and I will have to live on pasta and rice for the rest of the year because of the expense.

When I got up in the morning on my first day of vacation, the rain was pouring down. I got out on the street and got drenched to the bone. I went into the next bar and started drinking because I was so frustrated. After I had a couple of pints I began to feel better and I saw a lovely lady at the bar. I gave her the eye and she came over. Naturally I bought her some drinks and we started kissing. After I paid about 80 quid for a few beers and her 3 cocktails, we went up to the hotel room and I was expecting to have real good sex with that lady. She turned me on in the most wonderful way and suggested that I should have a shower first. So I went to the bathroom kicking some of the cockroaches out of the way and took a shower.

When I came out of the shower, alas - what did I see? The lovely lady took my wallet with all my holiday money and ran off! Boy, was I furious! The rest of the holiday, I spent inside the gruesome hotel room, only going down for the half board meal I fortunately booked, otherwise I might have starved to death. On my last evening the sunset was really nice though with bright orangy-red clouds. The next morning it rained all the way to the airport.

ZiegemitBock  17.10.2023, 20:09

Ich konnte der Versuchung nicht widerstehen...


One sunny day during my vacation, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the warmth of the sun streaming through the curtains. The promise of adventure hung in the air.After a leisurely breakfast, I set out to explore the local market. Stalls brimmed with vibrant fruits, handicrafts, and the aroma of street food. I couldn't resist trying some of the local delicaciesThe morning was dedicated to sightseeing. I visited historical landmarks, wandered through charming streets, and marveled at the architecture. It was like stepping back in time.At lunchtime, I stumbled upon a quaint café, where I savored a delicious meal while people-watching. The atmosphere was relaxed and inviting.In the afternoon, I ventured into nature. A hike through lush forests led me to a hidden waterfall. The cool mist from the cascade was refreshing, and the scenery was breathtaking. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I found quiet spot to watch the sunset. The colors painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, capping off a day of exploration and wonder. This day in my holidays was a perfect blend of culture, nature, and relaxation, leaving me with unforgettable memories.

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Ich Interessiere mich für Sprachen 💬

ZiegemitBock  17.10.2023, 19:49

Es ist faszinierend, wie wenig kreativ Chat GPT doch ist.


During my vacation, I had the perfect day. I woke up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore, a gentle reminder that I was at the beach. The sun was already high in the sky, promising a day of warmth and relaxation.

I started the morning with a leisurely walk along the beach, collecting seashells and feeling the sand between my toes. The salty breeze was invigorating, and I watched as colorful kites dotted the clear blue sky.

After my walk, I enjoyed a delicious brunch at a beachfront café, savoring fresh seafood and tropical fruits. The view was breathtaking, with palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze.

The afternoon was all about water sports – I tried my hand at paddleboarding and even took a thrilling jet ski ride. The turquoise (HILFE) waters were so inviting, and I couldn't resist taking a dip.

As the day drew to a close, I watched the sunset paint the sky with hues of orange and pink. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day in my vacation paradise.

ZiegemitBock  17.10.2023, 19:40

Chat GPT, wir danken Dir!

ZiegemitBock  17.10.2023, 19:47

Nein, ich meinte nur so generell. Die Idee AI zu nutzen, kam mir, als ich die Frage las, ebenfalls und dann habe ich gesehen, dass Du das schon übernommen hast.